Annual Aikido Seminar with Mark Larson ‘Takuto’ Shihan

Our Annual Aikido Seminar from October 22–24, 2021, was a great time with a world class teacher, Mark Larson ‘Takuto’ Shihan!

A huge thank you to Mark Larson Shihan for making the trip from Minnesota to teach and share his knowledge of Aikido with us!

Also, big thanks to David Gottlieb Sensei from Denmark, Jim Sullivan Sensei from Tennessee and Tom Rennie Sensei from Nevada for making the trip to Canada to train with us! 

The seminar was video recorded. To purchase the DVD or any of Mark Larson Shihan’s Aikido Seminars contact Jeff at

For a listing of Mark Larson Shihan’s Aikido Seminars visit Minnesota Aiki Shuren Dojo Aikido Seminars.